OverviewLearn about propane
Propane is a source of energy that comes from natural gas and petroleum. Propane is a clean-burning and affordable fuel that many of our customers enjoy.
Propane has many advantages for homes, businesses, industry and agriculture. Propane water heaters work 40 percent faster than electrical heaters. Propane is a great energy source that is used for space heating, hot water heating, cooking, pool heating, stand-by generators and many other uses. Whether you need propane to heat your house, to cook in your restaurant, or for your business or your farm, MacEwen can help.
Use propane safely
It is important to handle propane with care. Because propane is odourless, a sulphur odour (rotten egg smell) is added so you can smell a leak easily. Your propane system should be professionally inspected at least every 10 years. Whenever you make changes to your propane system, you are legally required to get it inspected.
If you have a propane leak
• Close the reservoir valve to stop the propane feed.
• Do not turn on lights or use the telephone.
• Do not use matches.
• Leave the premises.
• Call your propane supplier immediately.
For detailed information about propane energy and use, visit The Canadian Propane Association.
Residential uses
Hot Water Tank
Clothes Dryer
Pool Heating
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